Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Oh bunnies, how you disappoint me. I'm not talking about the NCC here, Forward Bunnie's pickup line at the pool, or the ability to dethrone Jens at the PPP. No my fluffies, what Incognito is referencing here is your distinct lack of taste in holiday treats!

Chocolate? Chocolate? Over a delicious and nutritious carrot cake? I bet you heathens would just love a chocolate Santa, or heaven forbid, a chocolate BUNNY! Incognito knows who's been naughty or nice fluffies, and those that would eat the ears off a chocolate bunny are definately not nice.

Two weeks left for the swim in the NCC hoppers - HOP ON!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, this bunny prefers yummy carrot cake. Especially the Double Musky Carrot Cake.... YUM!