Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wanna be a Track Star

Now how was the First Annual Bunny Run at the Dome for a change? Was it better than YakTrax on frozen trails? Was it better than the endless whir of a treadmill? Was it a welcome relief from the bike trainer? Without a doubt.

The bouncy running surface, yummy snacks, and ample opportunities for socialization made the laps just fly by. How many of you logged more miles than you thought you would?

- About midway through the session Jens tried to switch the running direction. Not many Bunnies followed. There must have been too many memories of fighting the current when we switched direction at H20asis.

- In more track-tactics, Bunny saw Jens box-in Jason behind a group of runners. This kind of thing never happens on the running trails.

- Bunny overheard one rabbit mentioning she had already run 10 miles earlier in the day and was going to run another 5. Way to pack in the miles!

- You're already a winner! A new club trophy was on display awarding us for our participation.

- Lots of Bunnies took home door prizes including bottles, bags, and all sorts of cool stuff.

- Winter Soccer League looks pretty serious. Bunny saw some amazing plays and moves. Work on your Bicycle Kick before you take to the field.

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