Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ice Ice Baby

Have you been outside? Ugh! This freeze-thaw cycle has left the city paths good for nothing but skating. There's about two inches of solid ice everywhere. Even with spikes on your paws the running will be sketchy at best. Some of the trails and fields with packed snow are OK but rough and crunchy in places.

There are also a lot of those big brown things on stilts hanging around. They've been eating nothing but twigs all winter so they're kind of slow and cranky. Dude, you seriously need some carbs to help that attitude. Just wait till Spring when you can eat fresh new grass and leaves.

This might be a good week to get your running miles done on a track or treadmill. If you do venture outside then tell us what you put on your paws in our newest poll.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arctic Hares would have gone extinct long ago if they didn't know how to get around during freeze/thaw cycles. Myself and three other hares clickity clicked our way around neighborhoods and bike trails on our Ice Bug running shoes Sunday. Staying ahead of hounds and wolves was no problemo.