Sunday, January 20, 2008

River Swim

Lots of rabbits showed up to play at the second H2Oasis River Swim and it was oh so much better than swimming laps in the usual concrete rectangles. I don't know about you but after a while that loooong black line at the bottom of the pool just drives me batty. It's such a welcome relief to change things up and try something new. So what did you think it was like?

• Was it like swimming an obstacle course or maze? Were you able to keep alert and watch for the turns and other swimmers. Be honest; how many of you took an accidental turn into the stairs?

• How about an open water swim? Did you get a chance to draft other swimmers? Did you get bumped? Could you feel the current when we changed direction at 8:30?

• Or was it like a swim criterium? Straightways, twisties, blasting through the corners, passing, getting passed (not this bunny), drafting. Wooo hooo! Hey, sounds like an idea for a future event.

Treats were provided afterwards but someone, somewhere had coffee. Who was it? This bunny enjoyed some carrot cake.

1 comment:

Tri Chick Cheerleader said...

Ummm... was there carrot cake and I missed it? GASP! I'm proud to say no stairs for me, but I did bump into Lisa P. (on purpose... not sure if she even noticed, now that is concentration). Can't wait until we do it again! PS... Nice to see you their Incognito ;-p