Thursday, November 29, 2007

Who's on our list?

Welcome back my pretties for another fun edition of the National Challenge Competition. We're a day away from the start and there are 56 clubs registered so far. Will we make it to 60 clubs? Are there that many triathletes around the nation willing to find out just how fast a Snowshoe hare really is? Didn't they learn anything last year?

You can see the roster of teams competing for second thru last place at the link over there on the left under my photo. There's a nifty interactive push-pin map that shows the clubs from around the US. And if you scroll down you'll see more pictures of me (I just love it when they do that) as well as the club bio.

I see that San Diego just signed up. Are they trying to be casually late to the party or something? Pleeeease. And Washington D.C. is back. Didn't they learn? And why aren't there any teams from Washington or Oregon. Whatsamatter' guys. Did you melt from all that rain?

Life's busy and sometimes takes a bit of craziness to get a workout done. We certainly proved last New Year's Eve on our frozen lake ride that we had more than anyone else in the nation. They only wished we could have wimped out on a few workouts and stayed in but us Snowshoes are a hardy breed. They'll be wishing again this year.


Tri Chick Cheerleader said...

Incognito, you certainly have been a busy bunny! The competition starts tomorrow and I know the troops are ready for the adventure to begin. Hope to see you at the pool tomorrow!

Jens, Heather, Olivia & Jan Beck said...

This rocks!!!!

Can't wait til Saturday :-)


Unknown said...

It was SO cool for you to make an appearance at the swim today, Bunny! You got us so excited. I'm so disappointed there are no results posted yet. We swam so much today, I want to know how close the race is.